Why aren’t you walking in beauty?

To Walk in Beauty is not only possible, but is necessary if we are to avoid the avalanche of destructive energy that is spiraling down on this planet. When you search your heart, you know well enough that there is nothing else to do. Walking in beauty liberates you from the subservient dynamics of the “hive mind,” for each of us has our own unique walk. Walking in beauty allows you to access your deeper talents, joys, and projects. It expands the scope of your being to encompass everything and everyone. It does not worry about “who is enlightened” or “who is rich” and the like, because the path of beauty is so filled with the presence of life in all of its miraculous permutations that the inner being smiles unto the world.

The ego protests in fear: “If I eat slowly, breathe deeply, take time to feel the beauty of the clouds, and actually look into the eyes of others, how will I pay my bills? I will miss the train and be bereft.” But at least as far back as Jesus, we have been told to look at the lilies of the fields, to acknowledge the breadth of this gift of life that has been given to us, and to exchange with gratitude and integrity.

My friends, things are not going to get any easier out there. The news will be what it has always been. But we have this opportunity to craft our lives in devotion and wisdom instead if petty recriminations. I am offering “To Walk in Beauty” at the New York Open Center on October 6th as a sanctuary of sanity, as a space in which you can incubate real possibility, and as an inspiring reminder that your soul is filled with love, knowledge, and glory and that you do not have to settle for less.

To Walk in Beauty: The Way of True Abundance

“To Walk in Beauty” is a well-known Native American affirmation that points to the possibility of living in effortless harmony with all of life. In this workshop, Rick Jarow will show us how, through the alignment of our inner and outer worlds with nature and spirit, we can ensure our actions in the world will be effective and reflect the integrity of our hearts. Rick will teach us the “three empowerments” process, which uses guided meditation, movement, and the power of the imagination to help us achieve clarity about our life situation, release conditioned responses that impede our progress, and, most importantly, create a “healed vision” that can bring forth our greatest potential in any area of life. We’ll also use “abundance mandalas,” shamanic journeying practices, qigong exercises, and teachings about the “twelve areas of manifestation,” to ground our vision and focus on what we need to accomplish in life.

A One-Day Workshop
Saturday, October 6, 2018, 10:00 – 5:30 pm
Members $125/ Nonmembers $145

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