To Walk in Beauty; The Way of Sustainable Abundance

A workshop – April 21-25 in Rowe, Massachusetts

“To Walk in Beauty” is a well known Native American affirmation that points to the possibility of living in effortless harmony with all of life, which is true abundance.

This workshop shows how this can actually be accomplished through the art and science of Manifestation: aligning our inner and outer worlds with nature and spirit so that our actions in the world are effective and reflect the integrity of our heart.

The “three empowerments” process, involves guided meditation, movement, and accessing the very real power of the imagination. It moves you toward absolute clarity about your life situation, releases conditioned responses, and most importantly creates a “healed vision” that brings forth your greatest potential in any area of life: career, heath, relationship, or spiritual alignment.

Through constructing “abundance mandalas,” shamanic-like journeys, and qi gong exercises to ground our visions, we explore the “twelve areas” of manifestation,” allowing us to focus on what needs to be accomplished in our life and to transform the “base metals” of resentment, disease, and despair, into directed power, vibrant health, and radiant compassion.

You can register for the Rowe workshop here.