Creating the Work You Love

Creating the Work You Love
The Post 2012 Career: Work Less – Be More
With Rick Jarow

The Bengali Poet, Rabindranath Tagore said, “God respects me when I work, but loves me when I sing.” If “singing” exemplifies the life of the soul, why do we keep our nose so close to the grindstone? Why have we allowed our souls to be collared and colonized by such a brutal economy; is this really the life that we were meant to live?

“Creating the Work You Love” shows you how to honor your soul first, to make quality time for your being, to follow the call of your heart, and to align your work with its power. Jarow inspires you to live from your core and still thrive in this world; not by magic, but through choices, you make on a regular basis, through your ability to receive support, and your willingness to put your heart on the line and do what you really came here to do.

Rick Jarow, author of Creating the Work You Love and pioneer of the “Anti Career” movement looks at the emerging new world of work and takes you, step by step, through seven portals to achieve freedom in the workplace. Come and claim your birthright of effective power, creativity, and work that matters.

August 5-7
Creating the Work You Love
Omega Institute, Rhinebeck NY, 877 – 944-2002

Click here to register

Click here to read an interview with Rick about “Creating the Work You Love”

“I attended your Creating the Work You Love workshop at Esalen a few years ago, and it still resonates with me. It truly was a powerful experience and I often think about the tools I obtained, the folks I met, the truth of each moment and how it has propelled me in my life. I just wanted to let you know what a great influence you have had on my career/vocation. I also have a copy of your ‘anti-career’ tapes that I have listened to throughout the years. They have been very helpful as well.”
Barbara Boyd