The Jewel in the Darkness:
Life Transitions as Initiations of Renewal
Have you experienced a loss of a job, a change in a relationship, a chronic illness, a revelation, the death of a loved one, or the sense that something new is about to begin? This workshop offers the opportunity to enter into the deepest moments of any transition with an awareness that allows the soul to open to profound possibility. You will learn an alchemical way to “hold with process,” bear the heat of the moment and surrender as the very forces that seem to tear you apart reveal a path of initiation and renewal.
The Jewel in the Darkness offers a series of guided meditations that take us, in slow-motion, through our lives, and transform anguish into compassion and freedom. We will chart the depths of the underworld journey through Persephone (victim), Chiron (savior) The Fisher King (mortification), Orpheus (lover), and Odysseus (trickster), and employ creative processes, such as drawing, visualization and ritual, to show us how to navigate complex feelings in an awakened way. We will discover that “not knowing the answer” doesn’t need to cause guilt or shame, but rather, can evoke new powers of wisdom and compassion, allowing us to make deeply informed decisions.
As we learn to look at any transition through a lens of fullness, and allow ourselves to embrace the life process we are given, we receive the wisdom to move through the most difficult aspects of our lives with skill, grace and peace.
October 24-29
Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California
To invite Rick to speak or teach workshops – email Sheri Bresson: