The 2018 Ananda Gathering

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are gearing up for another “Gathering” at Ananda Ashram in Monroe, New York on November 9-11. If you are not familiar with the “Gathering,” it is more than a workshop. It is a space where we, open-minded men and women, can come together and work within a supportive energetic environment to recalibrate our individual attunement with Spirit. From that point, we can process the material of our lives: work, money, relationship, time-management, etc., in order to make the most authentic contributions we can to our communities and our times.

There are people who come to the Gathering from all walks of life who have wonderful gifts to share (including the magical music of Dawn Avery). My own job is to “hold the space” and offer meditational attunements that can help move us through intellect to our soul level, to see what discoveries emerge.

Among this year’s themes is “totem and technology.” The evolutionary ascent of data processing is indisputable. So is the damage that is currently being inflicted upon the Earth. How can we develop relationships with technology that support sustainability, reciprocity, and abundance versus scarcity-based greed and profiteering?

The intention here is not to hold an intellectual forum, but to deeply explore our own consciousness and activities to understand what is actually supporting our movement (as a culture) toward wholeness. I am convinced that this is a crucial battleground between consciousness expansion and diminution in our time.

Ananda has substantially increased their rental fees. We are holding the price to what it was at the last Gathering two years ago. We are asking anyone who can, and who feels inclined to, offer contributions for our scholarship fund to allow people to attend who may not have the funds. If called to do this, please either send checks to:

Soul Baskets
123 Academy Street
Poughkeepsie, NY, 12601

or donate here online.

We all know that we live in accelerated times. To stay balanced may be an accomplishment; to move into creative flow is what we are after. Looking forward to meeting again.


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