Virtual Zoom
“Sharing the Truth: The Legacy of Hilda Charlton and the “Masters of Wisdom”
Come and join in an evening of music, inspiration, meditation and prayers for the healing of Mother Earth and all who dwell upon Her.
hosted by:
Rick Jarow
Thursday, June 18, 2020 at 7:00 PM
Hilda Charlton often referred to herself as a “Sharer of Truth.”
Indeed, for years, Hilda served as a spiritual beacon, holding the light in New York City, where she offered classes at Saint Luke’s and Saint John the Divine Cathedral. Every Thursday night, 300-400 people would come and sit with Hilda to receive the “Teachings of the Masters” and to attune to positivity and divine flow in the midst of the city’s frenetic energy.
In the late 1970’s and 1980’s, Hilda often spoke about the “Hard times to come” and how to prepare for them. Well, such times are now upon us, and how we hold ourselves, and our communities, during these coming months can have tremendous consequences for Pachamama, our Divine Mother Earth.
For many years, Hilda’s community has been gathering at the equinox and solstice times to affirm the truth of divinity, and to share prayers for peace and freedom for all beings.
If you would like to connect to this source of strength and presence, you are invited to join this summer’s gathering on zoom.
Rick Jarow, who was thrust into public service by Hilda Charlton after spending years studying with her, will facilitate the meeting and will be sharing received transmissions about this time on Earth and how we can each honor our deepest callings during this momentous period.
Please note, unlike the Manifestation Café meditations that Rick has been offering, this meeting requires a registration. There is no fee, but you must register to receive the Zoom link. Information on how to do this is provided below.
Please fill out your registration for this meeting and if you plan to invite people, share the registration link below. Please do this as soon as possible as we need to know our numbers ahead of time to secure the proper space for the Zoom account.
1. Click this link for the registration form that you will need to fill out: Peace meeting with Rick Jarow 6/18/20, or cut and paste this address into your browser:
2. Then, approximately 24 hours before the meeting, you will receive an email with the link to join the meeting on Zoom.
Checklist for the online meeting:
1. If you can secure a headset with an integrated microphone for your computer it will give you the best audio.
2. It is best to connect with a computer, laptop, or tablet. Having a camera will allow Rick to see who has joined the gathering.
3. If you do not have a computer, we will send a phone number you can call to connect for audio.
For the most part, this will not be an interactive program so you will be muted unless Rick opens up the meeting.
If you have any questions, email or call Jed, the coordinator of this meditation, at: 845-679-5177