SEVEN DAY INTENSIVE: Creating The Work You Love at Tu I Teraz (“HERE and NOW”) Poland, July 14-21 2019


Do you live your authentic life or do you only repeat the path of your family, your ancestors and relatives? Do you love your life? Is every day full of passion, happiness, love and challenges for you? Would you like your children to live like you? Are you the creator of your life, or just a poor and cheaply paid actor playing a role in “someone else’s art”?

Antykariera is discovering your own calling. It is a map that marks the path from the deepest recesses of the human soul to the shape of our life in the world. This is a practical way of expressing our uniqueness. As an attempt to reconcile eastern spirituality with the western way of life, the anti-career responds to a simple but very important question: How do you live doing what you love?

How are we to know that the way we live, our choices, what we do, is dreamed of for us? Do I follow the Anti-Career path, that is, do I follow my heart, my passions and dreams? Because Antykariera is not only a career and work; it’s all our life, our decisions and challenges so that we can live authentically and fully with our life, not with what the environment, culture and environment imposes on us.

Rick Jarow answers: The basic thing is to ask myself: Am I happy? If your life and your work make you happy, you are definitely on the Anti-Career path. The goal of life and work is not just money – work is primarily to help us feel life, open ourselves to a deeper spiritual reality. An anti-career is if you are in harmony with your soul and inner self. Then you know – you just feel the energy of life flowing through you.

Rick Jarow is the originator of the Antykariera concept and author of the book “Antykariera: In search of a life’s work.” He is a spiritual teacher, coach and business adviser. With experience in the field of religious studies, mythology, astrology, and shamanism, Rick Jarow will work with you to help you find a way to Living and Dreaming.

Rick Jarow says, “We should not be afraid of difficult times because they are a real test of our attunement, our faith and our ability to stand on two on our feet with our head and heart intact.”
In this workshop, Rick Jarow will help participants find the New Way and their vocation. Step by step, you will go through the process of building the Way of Life, your personal “Career” / Anti-Career, which is the answer to your deepest levels of dreams, passions and goals. Jarow will also help you make the next step, which will transform your intuition into action and create support for your visions. It will help you to find inner courage and strength. It will extract the motivation and self-discipline necessary to create an authentic vocation and Life of Dreams.Starting from exploring abundance and lack, and going through your family history, you will discover your real priorities, open yourself to creative visions, and begin to adapt them to your entire being.

During the workshops, you will have the opportunity to learn:

  • How to live the Fullness of Life in harmony with what you love and respect
  • How to reconcile your passion and calling with everyday life and work
  • How to live more creatively, doing what you were created for
  • How to work and earn money without “selling your soul”
  • How to identify your strengths, talents and life mission
“Anti-Career: Create a Life and Work That You Love” Workshop is:
  • Guide to going through major changes in life and career;
  • A radical, holistic approach that changes your whole life;
  • A combination of Eastern spirituality and Western matter;
  • The possibility of discovering the establishment of chakras encoded in energy centers;
  • Effective methods of choosing and pursuing life goals;
  • Ways of developing a Way of Life that reflects your heart compassion and the courage of the soul.

This is a workshop for people who:

  • Are open to change, feel their Life is stuck in a bend, and need a New Map for the New Way now
  • Need to set new goals and challenges
  • Want to live a full, conscious and creative life
  • Want to learn how to work and at the same time go deeper and deeper into consciousness and spirituality
  • Want their Life and Work to play a positive and important role in the world (for the sake of themselves, their families, their relatives and the entire Universe)
  • Are dissatisfied with their previous work
  • Plan a change in the direction of work in their professional life which is also their passion and dream
  • Would like to develop professionally in accordance with their abilities and life mission
  • Want to experience harmony resulting from the combination of creative passion and professional work

For more information:

Jacek Towalski, tel .: +48 602 219 382
Maja Wołosiewicz – Towalska, tel .: +48 606 994 366,
Office, tel .: +48 662 759 576

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