IN NOWE KAWKOWO www.tuiteraz.eu
invites you to the workshop 7th – 14th of August 2022
Holistic Career Development for Transition, Change and Awareness
Have you ever felt the magic that you are in the right place, at the right time and interact freely with the universe?
If so, you have experienced what Rick Jarow calls the Alchemy of Abundance – a combination of internal power and external experience that transforms the base metal of frozen life into gold of full and open participation in every moment revealing to you.
This is the secret of abundance, which is not about accumulating material comforts but about liberation from fear of scarcity, thanks to the innate courage that will give rise to your true human expression.
In all this, there is room for spiritual development, intellectual reflection, creativity and assertiveness, life harmony and responsibility in achieving goals, as well as the courage to make your dreams come true.
The Alchemy of Abundance reveals to us the miracle of aligning our inner energies – our passions, creativity, attention and our will – with the power of the universe. This tuning allows us to manifest our unique purpose.
During the workshop “Create the work you love. Alchemy of life and abundance” through a series of deep exercises and visualizations, we will explore different areas of life, from work through spirituality and relationships to health.
We will also build our own Manifestation Mandala to brighten up and give the power of fulfilment to everything that we want in this life. Thanks to this powerful tool, you will strengthen your self-confidence … develop your patience and generosity … you will find the right balance between “work and play” … and achieve harmony between your own goals and the plan that the universe prepared for you.
Rick Jarow leads us through 14 visualizations based on the Mandala of Manifestation. The Mandala of Manifestation includes conducted visualizations like Depth, i.e. understanding our own shadow energies and how our dreams influence the dreams of others; or Vision, i.e. how to see your calling as a plan for a better future for everyone and more.
Rick thinks that by going through life we can be sure that the pursuit of harmony will not only take us to the right place at the right time, but also will make us connect with a community of souls who devote themselves to renewing the Earth, their common visions and hopes, and shining flames of love.
“Hard times are not to be feared, for they provide the true test of our alignment, our faith, and of our ability to land on our feet with our heads and hearts still intact.” Rick Jarow
Do you live your authentic life? Do you love your life? Is every day full of passion, happiness, love and challenges for you?
The anti-career is the discovery of one’s own vocation. It is a map of the road from the greatest recesses of the human soul to the shape of our lives in the world. This is a practical way of expressing our uniqueness. As an attempt to reconcile eastern spirituality with western entrepreneurship, the anti-career responds to a simple but very important question: Can you make money doing what you love?
Rick Jarow, the author of the iconic book “The Ultimate Anti-Career Guide,” a business consultant and spiritual teacher, is the creator of the notion Anti-Career. He has a significant experience in the field of religion studies, he has worked with various small businesses and has had a long-term cooperation with shamans and healers, and this time, Rick Jarow will work with You to help you find a dream job.
How do we know whether what we do is our dream job or anti-career? Rick Jarow replies: The basic thing is to ask yourself: am I happy? If your work makes you happy, then you are definitely on the path of anti-career. The purpose of the work is not just money making – the work is primarily meant to help us embody our life, to open ourselves to a deeper spiritual reality. We are talking about anti-career when the work is in harmony with your soul, with your inner self. Then you know – you just feel like the energy of life flows through you.
In this richly experiential workshop, Rick Jarow explores the honoring of your current life’s calling. You are taken through a step-by-step process for building a self-sustaining career that resonates with your deepest levels of integrity, passion, and purpose. Drawing from his background in religious studies, small business, years of experience with shamans and healers, and a calling to serve, Jarow works with you to find your next step, to transform your intuitions into action, to create and receive support for your visions, and to find the motivation and discipline necessary to develop your authentic vocation.
Beginning with an examination of abundance and scarcity and moving through an exploration of your family history around work, you will discern your true priorities, open your creative visions, and begin to align them with your whole being. Jarow’s “anti-career” methods provide the opportunity to create new strategies for career development, uncover latent talents, and develop heart-centered prosperity.
Throughout the workshop, you will work with a meditative format that applies internal exercises (based on the chakra system) to issues that are central to successfully establishing your work in the world.
During the workshop you will have the opportunity to learn:
- how to make money doing what you love,
- more about your strengths, talents and life mission,
- how to reconcile passion and vocation with work,
- how to live more creatively, doing what you have been created for.
Creating the Work You Love offers:
- a guide to transitioning through major life and career changes,
- a radical, holistic approach to Your Life’s Work,
- the possibility of uncovering the “embodied” vocation encoded in your energy centers,
- effective methods for focusing and goal-setting,
- techniques of risk assessment for building a business or personal practice,
- ways to develop a career that reflects your heart’s compassion and your soul’s courage
This is a workshop for people who:
- want to learn how to work and go more deeply into liberation of the here and now,
- want their work to make a difference in the world,
- plan in their professional life a shift towards work which is both their passion and their dream,
- would like to develop professionally in accordance with their abilities and vocation,
- want to experience the harmony that comes from combining creative passion and work,
- are dissatisfied with their work.
E.H. Rick Jarow, Ph.D. has transformed the way the world thinks about their work, purpose and vocation. As the pioneer of the anti-career movement and author of Creating the Work You Love, he has helped thousands open to their intuition, transform their values into action, and answer their true calling… instead of settling for yet another job. In the last few years, Rick’s work has centered around the art and science of manifestation (as offered in his book and workshop, The Alchemy of Abundance). Similar to his work in career and vocation, these teachings transcend the overly simplistic approach made popular by the movie, “The Secret” and other get-what-you-want philosophies. They dive deeper – into the alchemical possibilities of loving what is, recognizing your greater purpose and moving towards your own healed vision, on both an individual and a cultural level.
Rick’s workshops can be experienced at retreat centers and venues nationwide, including the Omega Institute in New York; the Open Center in New York City; Esalen in California; Hollyhock on Cortes Island, Naropa University in Colorado, and numerous other conference and holistic centers in the U.S. and abroad. www.rickjarow.com
DATES: 7-14 August 2022 (Sunday – Sunday)
WE BEGIN: 7th August at 6 PM at Dinner
WE END: 14th August at 2 PM at Lunch
WORKSHOP PRICE: 1400 PLN + Food & Accommodation
FOOD & ACCOMODATION: Food 100 PLN / day (3 vegetarian meals)
Accommodation depending on standard:
From 34 PLN – 130 PLN / night
NOTE: Only full board packages are available.
ATTENTION: Due to the unstable economic situation in Poland, we reserve the right to raise the prices of accommodation, meals and workshops, based on exchange rates and official inflation rates in Poland.
CONTACT: kawkowo@tuiteraz.eu
Office: +48 662759576
Jacek Towalski +48 602219382
Maja Wołosiewicz-Towalska +48 606994366
How to register:
- Please register by email at: kawkowo@tuiteraz.eu (giving your first and last name, phone number, the name and date of the workshop).
- Only after receiving an email with confirmation of your accommodation choice, please send a payment.
- We kindly ask you to pay two deposits in a week from registration. No payment within 7 days will cancel the registration. Please do not pay deposits before receiving an email confirmation of the reservation of your place in the workshop!
- Paying the deposit to our Centre means you agree to the Center rules and regulations, which you will receive by email upon registration.
- Please pay 240 PLN deposit to “Tu i Teraz” to the following account with description: “Deposit for Lodging 7-14.08.2022”.
Tu i Teraz
IBAN: PL94 1020 3541 0000 5002 0347 0895 (account in EUR)
Refund will be available only within two weeks after a payment is registered into our account, but not later than two weeks prior to the event. In case of refund, the 20 PLN administration fee will be deducted from the deposit. The deposit cannot be transferred to another workshop.