Planetary Archetypes, Constellation, and Self-Realization:

Planetary Archetypes, Constellation, and Self-Realization:
Athens, Greece
March 25-26, 2023

Presenting a new workshop with Agape Alexomanolaki and Rick Jarow which teaches conscious ways to navigate through the chaos and oppressiveness of the current world situation. Combining the experiential benefits of the systemic constellation work with meditation, we develop the awareness that frees us from possession, reaction, and confusion, allows us to walk in the world with dignity and consciousness.

As opposed to “predicting the future” or typing someone (i.e. as a “Virgo” or “Scorpio”), working consciously with symbolic system of the zodiacal mandala allows us to move evermore deeply into the present by helping us to experience exactly where and how we get fixated, both as individuals and as a culture. The offering of healing practices for facing and transforming challenging moments in our lives is the primary purpose of this new seminar. By working with planetary constellations, one gets to experience exactly how deep forces are moving us through the world and how we can be aware of their power and potential.

The meditation through the spheres invokes powers that allow us to move consciousness out of attachment, delusion, depression, and into freedom, clarity, and compassionate awareness.

Lunar meditations move us through family and ancestral healing, work with Mercury focuses on receiving and transmitting “accurate information,” Venus constellates issues of love and pleasure, Mars: issues of power, Jupiter: expansion and development, and Saturn: working with structures, limits, finishing projects, and developing aligned (versus toxic) discipline. The outer planetary passages of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto teach us how to open to innovation, how to consciously pass through periods of confusion and disorientation, and how to deal with the forces of destruction when they appear in our lives.

As the Earth moves further into its “birthing process,” we are being asked to be mid-wives, to develop the wisdom and awareness that will allow us to serve effectively and with grace.

May all the Beings in all the Worlds be Happy. May all the Beings in all the Worlds know Love.

March 25-26, 2023
Shantom, Tripoleos 35A & Evias, Kato Chalandri, Athens
Contact Phone: 6982122060, 6932330796

For more information and registration, email Agape at: